The Piano
This is a song sang by 范逸臣 called "The Piano." I had this song for a while and was just recently turned on by its mesmorizing music and lyrics. When I heard the intro music of the song, I was reminded of Snoopy. This song used the music written by Kuwata Keisuke (桑田佳佑) and has a Cantonese version sang by Jackie Chang (張學友).
Share with all of you:
白鍵是那一年海的沙灘 浪花的繾綣
黑鍵是和你多日不見 彈指間 海岸線
你的淚 我的眼 模糊天邊
每個人心中都有架鋼琴 塵封在回憶
任憑我只是你的插曲 時間偶爾提起
鋼琴偶爾哭泣 那些凌亂片段
如果愛還能再重來 我期待澎湃永遠在
oh~~每次琴蓋打開 便有歌來自大海
如果愛我已不存在 我希望有一段精采
讓回憶有所感慨 白鍵是現在我哀悼
昨天成全你改變 黑鍵是原諒我的原諒