As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. Psalm 84:6-7 他 們 經 過 流 淚 谷 , 叫 這 谷 變 為 泉 源 之 地 ; 並 有 秋 雨 之 福 蓋 滿 了 全 谷 。 他 們 行 走 , 力 上 加 力 , 各 人 到 錫 安 朝 見   神 。

Monday, January 15, 2007

About keeping my words and ditching...

I believe the Lord is restoring me by letting me realizing certain things. It started with my trip back to Taiwan at the end of 2006. There were a no. of friends whom expressed a strong desire to meet up with me when I will be back in Taiwan. Yet, one thing led to another... I was ditched numerous times. It did not feel good.

Last night, I was ditched again with someone that I trust very much from work. It did not feel good.

In my dreams last night, I was ditched yet again... ok, what's going on?

My emotions erupted last night as my tears went down. Man, am I that weak? And this morning I felt the same emotion and I finally get it...

I felt how terrible and hurting it is to stood someone up. Now, I have kept most of my commitments but have I kept them all? The answer is "no."

Here are some examples of the commitments that I did not fulfill:
1. In regard to work:
For roughly 3 years, I have been late to work "everyday." Imagine what type of testimony I'm giving to my co-workers and the characters that I display to my boss.

2. In regard to friends and relatives:
There are things here and there where I've made assumptions that it's "ok" to miss some of the not clearly spelled out appointments. As we know, assumptions makes an "ass out of u and me" (assume).

3. In regard to God and His church:
Ummm... I've been late to Sunday service for an entire year since I went to VOH. It wasn't until one day I saw the eyes of my beloved sister as she looked at me in the cutest way possible to tell me that... "you're late" did I realize that... I've not only ditched God, I've ditched my brothers and sisters.

I've asked God to forgive me. And for those who are reading this post... please forgive me as well.

Matthew 5:37 says "simply let your "yes" be "yes, "no," "no;" anything beyond this comes from the evil one." I'm asking for this verse to become part of who I am. Lord, thank you for teaching me this heart felt lesson...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) new year... new break through... forget about the past and press on, bro!!

10:17 AM


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