As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. Psalm 84:6-7 他 們 經 過 流 淚 谷 , 叫 這 谷 變 為 泉 源 之 地 ; 並 有 秋 雨 之 福 蓋 滿 了 全 谷 。 他 們 行 走 , 力 上 加 力 , 各 人 到 錫 安 朝 見   神 。

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!! KTV at V-Mix

Merry Christmas!!!
The second part of the night changes the scenary to V-Mix KTV to celebrate with Daniel's friends. Get this... it's only $1000NT per person. We sang from 11pm to 4:30am. Oh ya, this includes all the food and alcohol...

Since there's not much to say about KTV, I'll let pictures speak for themselves.

The actively singing group, no alcohol needed to be high.

The shy singing group... you need more alcohol

The ABC group... well, Amy is from England (on the left).

The drinking group... hmmmm.... don't drink so much next time. Notice how they are sitting on the other side of the corner.


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